Water soluble powder
For Vet . Use
Each 100 gm contains:
Sulfadimidine sodium.…….22.0 gm
( Eq. to Sulfadimidine ……………………………….…. 20.39 gm )
Diaveridine ……………………………………….……. 2.6 gm
Diacox is one of the most effective drugs used for treament of coccidiosis in broiler chickens & rabbits, the two active ingredients Sulfadimidine sodium & Diaverdine are acting synergistically on different phases of folic acid metabolism of Eimeria . Sulfadimidine interferes with para-aminobenzoic acid metabolism , Diaveridine inhibit synthsis of folic acid in the parasite .
The life cycle of the coccidia is not however completely interrupted by this product & sufficient coccidial development take place to produce high degree of immunity in birds exposed to infection.
For prevention &treatment of coccidiosis in broiler chickens & rabbits caused by pathogenic Eimeria Spp. such as E. tenella, E. necatrix , E. maxima, E. acervulina& E. brunetti
Target Species:-
Broiler chickens & rabbits
Dosage and administration
For active ingredient :
17.6 gm /100 liter of drinking water ( 1.76 gm /100 kg body weight ) for 4-5 day.
For whole product :
71.5 gm /1oo liter of drinking water (7.15 gm / kg body weight ) for 4-5 days.
Warning & precaution:
– Care in renal impairment.
– Ensure adquate water intake during treatment.
– Avoid prolonged administration.
– Not used for laying hens producing eggs for human consumption .
– Hypersensitivity to the product
– Hepatic impairment
Side effects:-
– Crystal urea may be resulted from long term therapy &high dose level
– Nervous manifestations are rarely observed.
Withdrawal time:- 12 days
Store at temp. not exceeding 30º C in dry place & valid for 14 days after reconstitution (reconstituted solution must be stored at temp. not exceeding 30ºC).
High density Poly ethylene bag inside a tin pack of 100, 200, 500 gm and 1 kg & all data printed on it the polyethylene base closed by sealing, The closed tin pack have a plastic cover. Ethop