Halofuginone city 0.6 %

  1. Halofuginone City  0.6%

Feed Additive

 ( For Vet use Only  )


Each 1000 gm contains:

Halofuginone hydrobromide ……..7.17 gm

Eq. to Halofuginone base………6 gm

Properties :-

Halofuginone is a synthetic halogenated derivative of febrifugine, a natural quinazolinone alkaloid Halofuginone is an antiprotozoal used as the hydrobromide in vetrinary practice for the prevention of coccidiosis in poultry. It affects first and second schizonts


Halofuginone is an antiprotozoal used as the hydrobromide in vetrinary practice for the prevention of coccidiosis in poultry

In broiler chicken: For prevention of coccidiosis caused by E.tenella , E. necatrix , E.acervulina , E.brunetti , E.mivati , and E.maxima.

In Turkeys: For prevention of coccidiosis in growing turkeys caused by Eimeria adenoeides , E.meleagrimitis , and E.gallopavonis.

Target Species:-

Broiler chicken & Turkeys.

Dosage and administration:-

Oral  administration

Dose of active:

Broiler chicken: 2.72 gm per ton of feed.

 Turkeys : 1.36 to 2.72 gm per ton of feed.

For whole product:

Broiler chicken: 0.5  kg per ton of feed.

Turkeys: 0.25 to 0.5 kg  per ton of feed.

Warning & precaution:

– Should not be mixed with other anticoccidiosis

– Avoid contact with skin , eyes, or clothing .

-Keep out of lakes , ponds, or streams.

Contraindication :

Layer replacement stock from commencement of egg laying , replacement stock to be housed on litter , poultry over 12 weeks of age .

Side- effect : Overdosage may cause inappetence

Withdrawal time:-

Broiler chicken : 5 days befor slaughter

Turkeys: 7 days befor slaugher

Storage:- Store in cool dry place

Packaging:Poly ethylene bag inside a tin pack of  100 gm ,  500 gm and 1 kg & all data printed on it .