Each 100 gm of Maduramicin City 1% premix contains:-
Maduramicin 1.0 gm
(Equivalent to Maduramicin ammonium 1.02 gm)
Properities :-
Maduramicin City 1% Premix contains the active ingredient Maduramicin which is the most effective and widely used as coccidiostat. It is one of the ionophores anticoccidial for broiler chickens and turkeys. It has a broad Spectrum effect in all types of coccidia infecting broiler chickens and turkeys.
In broiler chickens:
For prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria acervulina, E. mitis, E. necatrix, E. maxima, E. tenella and E. brunetti.
InTurkeys : For prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria dispersa, E. gallopavonis, E. meleagrimitis and E. adenoeides.
Target species:
Broiler chickens and turkeys.
Dosage and administration:-
Dose of active:
5 ppm maduramicin ammonium in finished feed (5 mg/kg).
Dose of whole product:
500 gm of product per one ton (1000 kg) .
Withdrawal period:-
Treated chickens or turkeys must not be slaughtered for use in food for at least five days after the latest treatment with this drug.
. Do not exceed the recommended level of 5 ppm (mg/kg) as reduced weight gains may result with over dosage.
Do not feed to replacement, laying or breeding chickens or turkeys.
Store in a cool, dry place.
Poly ethylene bag inside a tin 100 gm, 500 gm, 1 kg.