City oxytet 5%

  • City/oxytet 5 %  


                  (For Vet Use Only )


Each 1 ml contains:

Oxytetracycline HCL               62.5 mg

Eq. to Oxytetracycline base    50 mg

Properties :

Oxytetracycline produces its antibacterial effect by binding reversibly to bacterial 30S ribosomes resulting in inhibtion of protein synthesis.

Oxytetracycline is broad spectrum antibiotic with bacteriostatic action against a large number of gram positive (strept. Spp, staph Spp., Corynebacterium) G-ve bacteria( E-coli, Salmonella Spp., Pasteurella Spp.,Haemophilius Spp.) as well as Mycoplasma Spp. Rickettsiae, chlamydia and some protozoa.


Cattle, sheep and goats.

  • Pneumonia-calf diptheria-foot rot-naval/joint ill.
  • Pasteurellosis-Mastitis-Metritis.
  • Actinobacillosis- Acute Anaplasmosis.

Warning and Precautions:

  • Not to be given with penicillin or streptomycin
  • Not to be used with calcium preparation
  • With drawal time- 35 days


  • Donot use in lactating or pregnant animals

Side Effects:

  • Non in therapeutic doses but in large doses oxytetracycline may precipitate in bones and teeth of young animals

Target species:

Cattle-sheep and goat

Dosage and indications:

  • Cattle: 10 ml of the products per 50 kg body weight by I/M once daily for 3 to 5 days
  • Sheep& goat: 5 ml of the product sol/25 kg body weight by I/M once daily for 3-5 days
  • Storage:

Store at temperature not exceeding 30C away from light and used within 14 days after opening

  • Package:

Cartoon box containing amber glass type II vial of  50,100 ,250 and 500 ml with an outer label and an inner leaflet.